[No Pants Subway Ride] Such a strange NYC Tradition.. come join in the fun!

Posted by M-Kat | Posted in | Posted on 4:56 AM


Watch this video... please..

I laughed when a friend first told me about this event. Believing it to be some myth.. a joke have you.. but NEVER thinking she was actually serious!

Well what can you do it's real and it's coming up for 2010. On January 10th it will be time for the Ninth Annual No Pants Subway Ride brought to you by Improv Everywhere. Groups will gather from all over NYC and get assigned into groups that wll ride the trains with.. yes.. NO PANTS! It's not meant to offend, but rather to get others to crack a smile and lighten up.. maybe even laugh *gasp* I know the video above made me giggle just a bit.

For more official information on this crazy/fun event, please visit THIS BLOG POST Everything you need to know will be found here.

Oh and am I participating? Well only one way to find out huh.. better get to the subways on the 10th ;-) oh and remember to leave your pants at home!

My very own Video Blog

Posted by M-Kat | Posted in | Posted on 7:42 PM


So I've had a YouTube account for awhile and I started making silly and random videos back in college around 2007. I was on and off with it as youtube wasn't a big thing for me back then, but I have to say I have found a nice community of vbloggers on youtube and they have inspired me to make use of my own youtube page. Of course I would LOVE to make videos about Japan, but since I am currently not living there I ave to make due with what I have ;-). I'm in NYC so I made my vblog about MY New York.. my experiences, and just my everyday life. Now, I'm not a native NYC-er so this is also an adventure for me!.

You can find my youtube page hereand here are some of my videos on life in NYC!!!

New Life in NYC

Posted by M-Kat | Posted in | Posted on 7:46 PM


Well here I am living in a big city.. I never really thought I would end up in a huge city like NYC but I knew I wanted to get out of Ohio. So far things have been well, I found a place to stay (which is with cousins) I'm employed.. and I'm getting paid (even though I think it's crap pay but that's another story) . My main goal right now is saving money!!

I am staying with grown cousins with kids of their own so I feel weird staying with them for so long. It is a bit crowded and I can't do some of the things I would like because I need to be considerate of them. Plus I just hate being that "guest that never goes away" type person. Although they are totally fine with me staying here, I just can't seem to think that I'm taking up space. (You ever feel that way?)

Overall it's a sweet deal. I'm on 5th ave in a very nice apartment and it's close to work.. THAT (the being close to work) is a HUGE HUGE HUUUGE plus due to the fact my job has me coming into work at 6am.. it takes me about 10 mins by cab and 30 mins by subway.

I decided to give myself 5-6 months to stay there though. I would really like to have my own place and begin the task of buying/adding furniture an such. I'm looking to be close to the city .. or even in the city if I can afford it, thus the 6 months of savnig comes into play. It's quite hard though as I have so many other things I spend money on. I wrote out a budget and honestly I'm not getting paid enough at my job.. I'm freelance and you would think I would be getting paid quite a bit, due to the fact my company doesn't insure you.. no benefits :-( Sadly this is not the reality and it hurts! I am even thinking to find another job while working there. (but that hasn't gone well do to my crazy schedule)

Here are some pics from work.. (took them from my cell so not best quality but it is what it is ^^)

I'm still working on getting settled and so I will have more to come on my life here in NYC so please stay tuned ;-)

WOW 4 Followers and other random stuff

Posted by M-Kat | Posted in , | Posted on 12:03 PM



Wow would you look t that, I'm using some Japanese.. yeah it's pretty basic, and yeah I do know more than that, but I'm feeling pretty lazy today. Urg that's no excuse though right? Oh well.

Anyway I'm super excited to have 4 people already following this personal Blog.. I mean.. who would really want to know what crazy (or absolutely incredibly, "I want to fall asleep" boring) things I am doing here? Well I guess you do (Yes YOU.. the people reading this right now!) Well I thank you very much ^^ ありがとうございます!!!!

So I feel like being random today. I have Monday's and Tuesday's off from work so I treat them as my weekends (which is good because I can relax, and bad because most of my friends are working so I can't hang out with them if I wanted) Today I was talking with a friend about movies we liked this year, and I haver to say, my #1 pick would have to be STAR TREK! I was unsure about this movie and was somewhat reluctant to see it. JJ made another movie Cloverfield which i really hated! Yup did but he ame back hard with this new movie and I LOVE HIM FOR THAT! I would watch Star Trek 4 more times before going to see Terminator :-p (And no lie I will do just that.)

so as in keeping with being random.. here is a random Star Trek picture that a friend sent me.. it's of my favorite character.. SPOCK! <3 for him!

Cool huh.. they almost match... good Photoshop work right there!

From my Japan Blog-GOSPEL IN JAPAN

Posted by M-Kat | Posted in , | Posted on 6:27 AM


Found these on youtube and posted them on my other blog, but posting them here as well..
I've never heard any gosple music in Japan, but here are some vids with a group that sounds pretty good!!